Monday, March 30, 2009

Pregnancy #2 - 35 Weeks

35 weeks pregnant and officially in the last month. Abby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that she's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds. Her kidneys are fully developed now, and her liver can process some waste products. Most of her basic physical development is now complete — she'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight. Obviously we want her to bake a little longer, but it's now pretty safe to deliver if she does come early.

I was super-swolen by this point in my pregnancy with Owen (as you can see in the pics below - my poor feet!). So far no swelling with this pregnancy which is a huge blessing. At this point I'm about 17 pounds lighter than I was same week with Owen. Let's hope it stays that way!

I am so ready for Abby to be here and to have my body back. This is my last week of work. The person taking over my job while I'm gone is pretty much in charge now and we're just wrapping up training and ad hoc questions. It's also the first week of the quarter - so hopefully pretty quiet and easy. I'm looking forward to the three weeks off before Abby's born to rest and finish prepping. We're pretty well ready as far as set up goes, but there always more that can be done. Is anyone every really ready for the baby to be there. ;)

Only 4 weeks to go to the scheduled c-sectoin on 4/27. So nice to know the b-day ahead of time. Cross your fingers she doesn't come early!

Pregnancy #2 - 35 Weeks

Pregnancy #1 - 35 Weeks

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tahoe Family Vacation

The Family in Tahoe
This past weekend we had a wonderful family vacation in Tahoe. Robbie's parents (Bob and Dotttie), sister Tracy, brother-in-law Mike, and their 2 boys (Collin & Carson) flew in from TX and GA on Wednesday. We had some fun together around town on Thursday/Friday including a trip to the Folsom zoo which the kids loved. Friday afternoon we headed up the mountains and into Tahoe. It's about a 1 1/2 hour drive from our house - beautiful views the entire way.

Our visit to the zoo

Poor Mike had a stomache flu and was pretty sick for the first few days. I doubt he appreciated the pretty drive. :) Luckily he felt much better by Saturday in time for skiing. We also discovered after the fact that at this point in pregnancy I shouldn't have even been in the mountains. The change in elevation triggered tons of Braxton Hicks contractions - every 2-3 minutes. So Robbie and I spent Friday evening at the hospital in Tahoe for a few hours. Abby and I are both ok - I just had to spend the rest of the vacation off my feet as much as possible.

Dotti, Bob, Tracy skiing

Collin & his snowman

We stayed in a great hotel right by the Heavenly gondola with awesome views of the mountains and great access to restaurants, shopping, etc. All the adults (excpet me of course) got some skiing in. Since it snowed hard Saturday night and much of Sunday the skiing on Monday was apparently awesome. Our oldest nephew Collin - who's 4 1/2 - did ski school 2 days. He's never been skiing and it sounded like he had a great time and did very well. Owen LOVED watching the snow and eventually jumping around in the snow. Mike and Tracy celebrated both their birthdays on Monday so we had a nice dinner at Fire & Ice (a mongolian grill style place) and cake afterward. We tried to take the boys sledding on Tuesday, but Owen wanted nothing to do with that. While we were there Carson (who just turned 1 at the end of Feb) also started walking. It was so great to get to share in that!

Carson walking!!

Owen watching the snow

Rob, Tracy, and the boys after sledding

Owen in his snow suit

Owen had met everyone before, but now he's a little older it was really fun to see his reaction. He loved Collin - who was really great with him. He would run after his older cousin just as fast as his little feet could go and laughing all the way. Anything Collin did Owen had to do too. Carson he wasn't so sure about. Usually Owen is great at sharing, but he didn't want Carson near his toys (or any toys that Owen might want). Too much competition? We're a little nervous about how he'll react to Abby after seeing that. Owen has been talking about Nana, Pawpaw, Mike, Tracy, Collin, and Carson since they left.

We miss them tons already and can't wait for the next visit. Robbie's parents will be here when Abby's born - so we'll see them soon. But who knows when the next time we'll see Tracy/Mike and the boys will be. It gets tricky when we're on opposite coasts and with kids. Hopefully soon!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Owen Update - 20 Months Old

Owen is 20 months old this coming Monday! It's amazing how fast this time goes and all the changes. He seems like such a little boy now with thoughts and opionions all his own that he expresses quite clearly.

He is talking tons, mimicking everything we say (including his first swear word "S@*#" which sadly was a mimic of me). He's starting to learn numbers (he can "count" 1-5 - still figuring out the general concept tho). He's learning shapes - identifying triangles, squares, circles, and stars. He can also correctly put the above shapes into the corrsponding holes in a little toy truck he has. He'll try all the wrong holes first so that he can say "No" on each one and then "Yes" when he gets to the right one. And he's starting to understand colors - he can say all of the colors. The only ones he identifies correctly most of the time are red, white, and purple. If he's not sure of a color he always says pink. He can name every kid in his class. He also knows his friend Alexandra's name ("Alet") and loves to spend time with her (below is a pic of them playing in a clothes hamper together).

He's starting to understand giving commands - and in fact is getting quite bossy. He'll say things like "Dada... sit... lap." Which translates into "Sit down Dad, I want to sit in your lap." And lately he seems obsessed with anything about cleanliness (garbage truck, trash, dirty, yucky, clean up, wipes, etc.) The latest things that impressed us the most were naming a keypad (saying "keypad") in a restaurant that the waiters use - he said it and pointed it out long before I noticed it in the room. And the other thing was that it was sunny on Saturday but rainy on Sunday. Sunday we were eating lunch and he pointed outside and said, "Rain, rain, go away."

He continues to be mister activity. He doesn't walk anywhere - it's run everywhere. In stores when we let him walk - holding our hands - he wants to run or hop down the aisles. The hopping gets a lot of chuckles from passers-by especially since Robbie hops with him. I get commands to jump as well - but no way is that happening at the moment. He's also learned how to kick balls - which he loves to do all the time now.

He continues to be daddy's boy. But this has improved somewhat. Owen and I both had President's Day off but Robbie was working and then the following Saturday Robbie was gone much of the day skiing. So I got two days of just me and Owen which was awesome! We had tons of fun - getting together with Ariel & Alex and with Michelle & Angelica. We hit the park and the zoo and a tea house. I think this time of just the two of us really helped because now Owen doesn't scream (as much) when I try to "take" him from Robbie. And he picks some things to do with Mom even when Dad is around. It's awesome. Last week we were watching Elmo together (which he is now obsessed with and has to watch every day when we get home) and he spent the entire show snuggled up to my belly - even though Abby was kicking him the entire time. So cute!

My favorite latest ritual is at nighttime... We have a book about going to sleep with lots of different types of hugs and kisses (fish kisses, gorilla hugs, polar bear hugs, snake hugs, etc.). Every night as Robbie gets ready to take Owen upstairs to start quiet time we spend a good 5-10 minutes doing variations of all these hugs and kisses (going from Mom to Dad) to say goodnight. I love getting the snuggles.

Pregnancy #2 - 31 Weeks

Well it's official... I am 7 months pregnant and in the single-digit countdown for weeks left to go. Technically it's 9 more weeks, but since we're doing the schedule c-section 1 week early, for all practical purposes it's only 8 weeks to go! We are now scheduled for the c-section for April 27th at 7:30am. So barring Abby coming early or other emergency c-sections forcing a reschedule we now have a general idea of the birth date!

Abby measures over 16 inches long and weighs about 3.3 pounds. She is heading into a growth spurt. She can turn her head from side to side, and her arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath her skin. She's moving tons - much more than Owen did. This makes me a tad nervous - because Owen's super active, so what does that mean for Abby? Yikes! I was hoping for a mellow one. :)

I'm feeling great. The swelling I had with my first pregnancy hasn't started yet and it had by this time with Owen, so cross your fingers that we'll avoid it this time. I'm actually tracking 4lbs lighter so far this pregnancy but with a bigger belly (in my opinion). My nesting instincts are kicking in full force, manifesting in baking (I never bake and I've made pies, cookies, cupcakes, etc. in the last month or so). I'm also hitting the organizing-like-crazy stage. We've finally organized our office! I also tackled Owen's clothes and Abby's clothes/closet/drawers this past weekend. This coming weekend I'm tackling the garage.

Here come the pics...

Pregnancy #2 - 31 Weeks
Pregnancy #1 - 30 Weeks
Pregnancy #1 - 31 Weeks
Pregnancy #1 - 32 Weeks