Saturday, June 21, 2008

Lamaze Class BBQ

We have remained in touch and become close with a group of people from our Lamaze class. Out of the 12 couples in the class 6 of the mommies continued to get together after the class ended. All the ladies met up during our maternity leaves before the babies were born, and continued to get together and join mommy groups together during the rest of our maternity leaves.

Now that most of us are back at work (a few are working Moms), we continue to get together periodically and often make it Mom, Dads, and babies. Because the babies are all within a month of each other in age, it's always fun to see how each is growing and developing differntly. Which have more teeth (or teeth at all), which have more hair (or no hair), how they've grown, sounds they're making, what they're eating, how they're sleeping, etc. It's amazing because each child is so unique. It's also great because we can all share tips and tricks on various things and what's worked for us/what hasn't.

This weekend Susan hosted us all at her house for grilling out and just general together time. We had a great time as always visiting with this awesome group of friends!
The picture below is of 4 out of the 6 mommies/babies. In order from left to right are Garian and baby Bryson, me and Owen, Ariel and baby Alexandra (the only girl), and Karen and baby Chase. Susan's baby Gabriel had already gone down for a nap, and Jamie and her baby Dominic couldn't make this get together.

Owen's First Rivercats Game

At work recently I was lucky enough to win tickets to a home game for our local AAA baseball team the Rivercats (I believe they're a farm team for the A's). So Robbie and I took Owen to his first live baseball game.

Of course we dressed Owen appropriately for the occasion. He had a great time making friends with everyone around us. The weather was very nice - at least in the shade. Sadly the Rivercats lost by 1 - but it was a great game with lots of really good plays.

It was tons of fun. We plan to go again in early fall with the weather's cooled off again here. Maybe Owen will be able to "run" the bases with all the other kids next time. :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Pink Eye

Yup, that's right, Owen has his first case of pink eye. It pops up in his day care class about once a month. Apparently it's highly contagious. The doctor's office made me come in the back door. The pharmacist said that Robbie and I will likely get it too. The day care had us wait until he was on the meds for 24 hours before letting him come back. The good news is that other than being annoyed by the eye drops, Owen doesn't seem to even notice.

In other Owen news we've officially dropped a nap. He is down to only two naps a day. And starting in about a month - right after his first birthday, the day care will start him on naps on a mattress on the floor. Apparently that's how the next class up naps - no cribs - and so the class he's in starts getting them ready for that a few months before the switch over. What a big boy!

He's also starting to show understanding of certain words. He knows "dog." In fact he tries to say it - although it comes out more as "do" as he points to Connor. He says it over and over while pointing any time Connor is around - or if he sees other dogs or pictures of dogs. And if we say "dog" he starts looking for Connor. He also understands "bouncy." Any time we say it he starts bouncing. :)

Monday, June 2, 2008


So this weekend I finally bit the bullet and chopped off 18 inches of hair. Yes - it had really become very long. I've never had trouble cutting (or doing anything to my hair in general) in the past. But for some reason this was a tough decision for me.

Lots of reasons for the pro - Owen can stop yanking on my hair. Less maintenance. Time for a change. Robbie likes it better short. :) From various chemical treatments it was starting to break off on its own. Etc. etc. The only con is that I really like it long - although I tend to agree that short hair actually looks better on me.

Anyway - it short and now highlighted with blond streaks again. Loving the new cut and color. Thought I'd share. :)