Wednesday, April 30, 2008

House Hunting

We having been in the process of house hunting here in CA. Up till now, it was with the thought that we would wait until late summer/early fall to buy when our house in Austin sells. So we were just kind of "looking around." However, we're pretty sure now that we're going hold on to our Austin house and sign our tenant to another year lease (for many varied reasons). So now we're getting a little more serious about buying sooner rather than just getting an 'idea' of what's available.

The nice thing about our area and the current economy is that housing prices have dropped dramatically. The other thing (which is very sad for others but nice for us) is that there are tons of houses on the market. So it gives us a lot to choose from. The pics are from one of the houses we've liked the most (front and master bed).

We're not in a huge rush as we're renting our current home month to month. But it's exciting to finally be working towards settling down here. And I'm looking forward to a little more space. Having a baby takes away all your space. ;)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Austin Visit

One of the perks of being on the Dell account at work is that I periodically visit Austin for my job. My first trip was in mid-April. I got to Austin on Tuesday. On Friday, while the rest of my team was flying home, I stayed and played hookey and went to a movie with Dad and lunch with Mom.

Saturday morning Mom, Dad, and I visited Jill. She and Jake had just welcomed their 2nd child - Dawson - the week before. We had a great time visiting with them and seeing Dillon (their 1st) and the new baby.

Robbie and Owen flew in on Saturday. Owen changed personalities and was mr. social on the flight (usually he's very reserved about meeting strangers). We had a great time the rest of the weekend spending time with Mom, Dad, Travis, and Amber. The Barbers also dropped in to say hi which was terrific.

I flew home with Owen Sunday evening. Robbie followed on his own with all the luggage Monday morning. This was literally a "flying" visit. We had a wonderful time! The family hadn't seen Owen (and us) since Thanksgiving, and the next time we'll see them is over 4th of July in Estes, so it was nice to sneak in another visit in between.

Ethan Scott Beard

We are very excited about our new nephew!!!! My brother Travis and our sister-in-law Amber welcomed Ethan Scott Beard on Friday, April 25. He was 7lbs 5oz and 20in. 2 weeks early and already a big boy. Baby and Mom are doing great. So is Dad. They went home from the hospital yesterday.

We were hoping they'd have him last weekend while we were in Austin to be there. But this is better for the baby to have gone longer. We'll just have to wait until July to see him at Estes. We hear he's already a good sleeper. The only pic I have so far is below.

Starting the CA Gehbauer Blog

Ok, ok, I give up. I enjoy reading my friends and families blogs so much that I decided to start one for our family too. Probably much easier than sending out the constant emails. :)

To kick start this, here's a general status on all 3 of us...

Robbie: Started his new job at Pearson in March. He finished a two-week training session and is getting down to actual coding. He'll start by fixing bugs to learn the systems and code. Eventually he'll be assinged projects. He's also started a weekly volleyball league at work that he plays in on Wednesdays. He's slowly getting back into his sports now that we have the "baby thing" figured out.

Kristen: I just recently started a book club that is going to read each of the 6 Jane Austen books. (Yes it is an all women club). We're reading Emma first and I'm really enjoying it. We are also in the process of looking for a house right now. I get regular emails of houses to go look at from Robbie. I'm really looking forward to having our own house and a little more space.

Owen: It seems like something is new with Owen every single week. He recently learned how to wave and now waves at everyone. He's also started holding his own bottle. Now if we can get him to feed himself his solid food consitently (instead of just play with it), we'll be all set. :) He also had his first haircut recently (early April) - which was quite the drama. Boy, did he not like those clippers. It will be interesting to see if that ever gets easier.