Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas & New Year's Vacation

We had a wondeful Christmas vacation for the most part. My parents flew in from Texas for a week. They hadn't seen Owen since early July, and there've been so many changes since then. It was wonderful to get to spend time with them and to see them with Owen. My parents were quite tickled by the fact that Owen can differentiate between types of balls (volleyball, football, baseball, etc.) . They also got a huge kick out of "Quick Feet." We'll tell Owen to do quick feet and he jogs in one place really fast (like he's warming up for football or something). Pretty funny.

We had a fairly low-key holiday together. Of course Christmas Eve and Christmas were spent preparing or eating food and unwrapping gifts. Owen actually got into the unwrapping part this year, and had a great time with all of his new toys. One of his toys was a Radio Flyer wagon from Nana and Pawpaw (Robbie's parents). It was cold and rainy so we set it up inside the foyer which has a hallway long enough to run down briefly. It was too cute, we'd back up to the "Starting Line" going "beep, beep, beep" (Owen would remind us to beep if we weren't doing it). Then we'd say are you ready and he'd hunker down in an aerodynamic racing position and say "Go!" and we'd take off. He loved it!

Unfortunately, the rest of the week with my parents was forced to be low-key as almost all of us were sick. Robbie had a virus, Owen had a virus and then and ear infection, and my dad brought laryngitis with him. I managed to get all three. Owen was pretty funny at the doctor though. He was already on drops for pink eye when we went in for the ear infection. So as she was writing the prescription, we asked if it was drops, and she said no it was oral. We said, "Oh good, less torture!" (Owen hates the eye drops). And Owen pipes up quite clearly saying "torture." Oh my gosh! What a little mimic he's become. We really have to watch what we say around him these days.

My parents went back home the Tuesday following Christmas. We miss them tons already. Next time we see them will be late May/early June when they come to help after the baby is born. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's holiday!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Pregnancy #2 - 20 Weeks

It's amazing how when you have a toddler things like weekly pictures just don't happen like they did with your first pregnancy. Here's the 20 week pics - but now I'm 24 weeks. Look for 23 and 24 week blogs soon...

We are now 20 weeks - 1/2 way through! And we found out last Friday - it's a GIRL!!!!! We are so thrilled to be having one of each! The ultrasound showed that all was healthy and good.

She weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. She's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel (about the length of a banana) - this week the baby is finally big enough to measure length from head to foot instead of rump. The baby's sensory development is exploding! Her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that she may be able to hear my voice now. She is proving to be quite active - but so far mostly during the day. I'm hoping this means she'll be a good sleeper at night. That was Owen too.

I continue to feel good. We are gearing up for the holiday season - with Robbie's company Christmas part last Friday, my team Christmas part (hosted at our house) thisFriday, and my parents in town for the holiday shortly after that. On top of the usual end-of-quarter craziness at work and - of course - decorating and Christmas shopping. So I fully anticipate total exhaustion over the next few weeks. But it's a good exhaustion.

See below for belly pics.

Pregnancy #2 - 20 Weeks

Pregnancy #1 - 20 Weeks

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Owen Vocabulary-o-meter

Update 12/4 - Owen has hit the stage where he's adding 5-10 words a day. So not really going to keep on tracking the progress. Below is our final list of words by Thansgiving time-frame (so almost 17 months).

We decided it would be fun to track Owen's growing vocabulary. I'll update this regularly and bump it up in the postings when I do. :)

Word count (56)
dog (daddy) - 10 months
uh-oh - 10 months
hi - 10 months
balloon (boonboon) - 12 months
ball - 12 months
door (do) - 12 months
turtle (ttl) - 12 months
shoe (doo) - 13 months
daddy (dada) - 13 months
bottle (baal) - 13 months
bubble (buul) - 13 months
book (bu) - 13 months
toes (doez) - 13 months
hat (ha) (w/ patting head) - 14 months
tree (tee) - 14 months
throw (tow) - 14 months
baby - 14 months
bird (bidy or bee) - 14 months
duck (duc) - 14 months
spoon (poon) - 14 months
football (booball) - 14 months
bye-bye - 14 months
bowl (bow) - 15 months
truck (duc) - 15 months (sounds the same as duck, but he points to pictures separately)
nose (doez) - 15 months (sounds the same as toes, so we're not entirely sure about the word - but he can point to it when asked)
down - 15 months
fish (bi-ssss) - 15 months
bear (bay) - 15 months
bee (bee) - 15 months
boat (bow) - 15 months
cheese (tchee) - 15 months
bib (bi) - 15 months
plane (pane) - 15 months
Mama - 15 months
giraffe (rara) - 15 months
bite - 15 months
more (mo) - 15 months
tractor (dacto) - 15 months
mouth (mau) - 16 months
sock (dock) - 16 months
ear (ee) - 16 months
eye (ah) - 16 months
apple (a-uhl) - 16 months
jacket (jaga) - 16 months
watch (waa-) - 16 months
PawPaw - 16 months
snack (sna-) - 16 months
night-night (ni-ni) - 16 months
bed (be-) - 16 months
car (jaa) - 16 months
owie - 16 months
turkey (tuky) - 16 months
bike - 16 months
frog (ro) - 16 months
hair (hay) - 16 months
bath (bat) - 16 months

Animal Noises (8)
Dog - wowowo - 15 months
Lion or Tiger - rar (but sounds more like gurgling) - 15 months
Elephant - phffft (tries to immitate Robbie's sound which for Owen sound more like a raspberry- this includes waving one arm up and down like a trunk) - 15 months
Sheep/Goat - baa - 15 months
Cow - moo - 15 months
Monkey - ooo-ooo-ooo - 15 months
Cat - mau-mau - 16 months

First Sentence...
2 words - Bye-bye doggy. - 15 months

Monday, December 1, 2008

Pregnancy #2 - 18 Weeks

Oops! We missed week 17. Sorry!

We are now 18 weeks pregnant. This is the point in my pregnancy with Owen where I finally started showing just enough to take pictures. This week the baby is about 7oz. and about 5.5in long from head to rump (about the size of a large bell pepper).

I've started feeling little flutter kicks this week. It's not often, but it's about 3-4 weeks before I could feel anything with Owen. Feeling Owen move was my favorite part of my previous pregnancy. I am feeling much better. The sickness and exhaustion from the first trimester now seems to be completely behind me. So happy about that.

We've also started telling Owen that there's a baby in Mommy's tummy. He knows the word baby, so now he points at my belly and says baby. I'm sure he doesn't understand really, but it's a good start. :)

Below is this week's belly pic. Plus the 18, 19, 20, and 21 week pictures from my first pregnancy. I think I'm tracking closer to the 20 to 21 week pics, so still about 3 weeks further along.
Pregnancy #2 - 18 Weeks

Pregnancy #1 - 18 Weeks

Pregnancy #1 - 19 Weeks

Pregnancy #1 - 20 Weeks

Pregnancy #1 - 21 Weeks