First, a video of Abby laughing is now up on YouTube. This is the most laughs I've gotten out of her since she started laughing. You'll see that she's more of a "courtesy" chuckler than a laugher and it's a lot of work to get even that - but so worth it.
Abby officially rolled over from tummy to back several times starting on Friday - yay! She can't do it every time she wants, but she's figuring it out. Abby also started cereal on Saturday. So far so good.

Abby has decided that screeching and gasping are really fun sounds to make. Such melodious sounds now fill our house. Of course, the tricky part is when she's in her crib. Because without seeing her face you can't tell if she's screeching angry or happy.

She's had a low grade fever now for about 2 weeks. They've tested and retested for ear infection, throat issues, and UTI. But so far think it's a particularly stubborn virus. I'm starting to wonder if it's teething. Meanwhile, Owen has finished teething. Last week his final molar popped through so it would be appropriate that we'd get absolutely no break from teething if Abby starts now.

Owen's imagination is really kicking in. On Friday I had a conversation with him about how he'd climbed trees with Daddy (which he hadn't) and that Owen would only climb big trees not little trees and that you had to be careful not to fall off. He's also making up songs - the latest is about a starfish.
A few more Owenisms...
His version of Row, Row Your Boat...
Row, row, row your boat
gently down the stream
crocodile in the stream
life is but a dream
In the car with Robbie the other day...
Owen: "Pawpaw in Texas."
Robbie: "Usually he's in Texas, but right now he's in Atlanta with Aunt Tracy and Uncle Mike."
Owen: "Pawpaw in Georgia."
At bedtime...
We'd been reading and Owen had scattered books all over the room.
Me: "Owen, it's time to put our books away. Can you carry all the books to Mama and she'll put them in the book shelf?"
Owen: "I sure can!"
1 comment:
I can't believe how big they're getting! And they're both so beautiful! (But of course we knew that would be the case!!!) They are adorable and I think they look a lot alike. Love you!
PS - can't wait to see you & meet Abby at the boogy!!!
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