We debated and debated doing sleep training with Abby and when to start. We did it with Owen and it was very hard, but very successful. But we started it with him a little later. However, we finally tried it in early August with Abby (since she'd been sleeping thru the night w/o a bottle since 6 weeks - just needed help staying asleep). It was quite successful. She only cried less than 20 minutes the first night and no wake up in the night, her naps the next day also great, about 2 minutes of fussing each time and nice long naps. Now she doesn't really cry - she might fuss for about 5 minutes, and sometimes she'll stay up and talk to herself quite happily for a while. So we are very excited to have a baby sleeping solidly thru the night from about 9pm to about 7am in her own crib and without help. She treats us so well!
We got our first laughs from her the last days of July. It takes some work to get laughs. Smiles are now abundant but not laughs yet. She is very observant - preferring to be sat up and facing out so she can watch everything. Unfortunately, if the TV is on, she will watch it - crane her neck to watch it even. Owen didn't even notice the TV until about 18 months, so this is different for us. She is starting to use her hands a lot. If a toy is within reach she will grab for it and she loves her lovey blanket which she wrestles with constantly. She also loves her Baby Einstein excersauser - this toy she "stands up" in and can swivel around and play with tons of toys. She plays with every toy on it already - involves lots of concentration. And she's found her feet which she wrestles with constantly. In comparison with Owen, Abby continues to demonstrate my generalization that boys seems to develope gross motor skills earlier and girls the fine motor skills.

4 mo. checkup:
Length: 26 inches (95%)
Weight: 13 pounds (30% - down from 50% at the 2 mo checkup)
Head: 15 3/4 inches (25%)
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