We found out we were pregnant the day before we closed on the house. What a week! Baby and Owen will be about 22 months apart. We were hoping for about 2 years between them, but also wanted to try to avoid being pregnant during the heat of the summer if possible. I swelled so badly with Owen that anything to avoid that again is well worth it. So May is perfect timing!
I think the family consensus is we're all hoping for a girl - what with Owen for us, Travis and Amber's little boy Ethan, and Tracy and Mike's boys Collin and Carson, there's a lot of boys already. We would be thrilled with either of course! :) We should find out the gender just before Christmas - look for it in our annual Christmas cards.
This pregnancy has been much harder on me than the first one. A lot of nausea (I really didn't have any with Owen). Worse exhaustion as I had with the first pregnancy - I think this time it was brought on early by moving and unpacking and probably made worse by the nausea. I'm definitely looking forward to all of it going away when I hit the 2nd trimester in a few weeks (fingers crossed that it does go away).
We had our first sonogram yesterday. The doctor says everything is exactly as it should be and that Baby #2 looks healthy and right on track. Pictures below. The baby's head is on the left in the pics. We got to see the tiny heart beating. And he/she wiggled for us during the sonogram - although not nearly as much as Owen did in his sonogram at this stage. Maybe that means this one will be less on-the-go once they're born. ;)
The baby at this stage is about the size of a grape (around 1 inch) and is a fraction of an ounce in weight. His/her essential body parts are all accounted for now, though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning in the coming months. Other changes this week: the baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form — as do the tiny teeth. Amazing how fast they grow and develop. Just 4 weeks ago it was only the size of a poppyseed!
Please pray for a healthy pregnancy and a very healthy baby in May. To all of our friends with 2 children... we are now open to advice.! ;)

What an adorable little "peanut"! Congrats!! Love, the Zezini's
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!! :) We will pray and pray and pray :) We got lots of books about bringing home a new baby and T loved them. "I'm the Big Brother" is still a hit. I found I was much more tired and nauseous the 2nd time around too. I think it was b/c I didn't have as much time to rest. Try to put your feet up - it will help w/ swelling & braxton hicks (which were both worse for me w/ P...) Much love
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