It rained all the night before and drizzed some in the morning. But we lucked out and it cleared up somewhat - just in time to go out. We started the evening out with dinner at Ariel and Damon's. Then we took both kids - Owen as a cowboy and Alex as bunny - and walked back to our house, stopping at a few houses for candy on the way.

Both of the kids were soooo cute. Alex has no fear. She would walk right into a house if Damon and Ariel would let her. I see a future in skydiving for that girl. And she had a great time working her way through wrappers to get to the candy.

Owen for the very first time allowed his hand to be held and for us to direct him where to walk. Usually if you try to hold his hand he'll jerk it away. Mr. Independent. He wanted to carry his little candy holder on his own, so that got dragged behind us the entire way. He wouldn't go within 4 feet of the doors to the houses though. He still is very cautious around strangers.

We ended at our house where we munched some of the candy loot. Our street is actually fairly quiet, so not too many groups of trick or treaters - but all big enough groups to eventually wipe out our candy supply.

All in all quite a successful Halloween!
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