Monday, September 29, 2008

Weekend Fun > Date Night, Oktoberfest, Lamaze BBQ, and the Cowboys!

This is the first weekend in two months that we didn't spend the whole thing packing, moving, or unpacking/cleaning/painting/settling. I can't tell you how nice it was to do some social things!!!

Thursday night our friends Ariel and Damon babysat for Owen while we had a date night. Our first date night since early July - that's right - three months. This is what we get for deciding to live away from family in CA. :) We did the basic dinner and a movie. We saw Dark Knight (the new batman movie) - which was awesome. Long, but really good.

Friday evening, Ariel and Damon invited their friends with German last names to Oktoberfest at a local "pub." We had a great time. Ate out in the courtyard. Tried tons of different foods. And all the babies had loads of fun dancing to the sound of German/European music.

Saturday was our regular Lamaze class get together. This time a BBQ at Jaime and John's house. As always, it was great to see everyone. Such a fun and nice group of people. This is the first time we've been together with all the kids walking and talking a little and more interested in what the others are doing. So it was a bit of a mad house keeping up with all of them. All of these kids are so darn cute. Hopefully all the ladies are getting together Friday night for a movie night while the guys watch the kiddos.

Sunday Michael and Krista came over with Kelsey and Megan to watch the Dallas Cowboys game. We had a great time watching the kids play. Megan is crawling now, so between the three we really had all stages of mobility and talking. :) I can't say that watching the Cowboys lose was great, but it could have been a lot worse if those two touchdowns hadn't been overturned by holding calls.

In between all this we also managed to clean the house (so nice to start the week with a clean house) and to spray roundup all over our backyard weeds. The bank let the grass die completely and then started watering again. This resulted in weeds about as tall as Robbie where our grass should be. After we get those all killed off we'll resod. Ahh the joys of homeownership.

Pics of the lamaze kids below...
The Group (from the left - Dominic, Bryson, Owen, Chase, Alexandra, Gabriel)
Owen (Ours :) )
Alexandra (or Alex) (Ariel & Damon's - sorry it's sideways)
Chase (Karen & Paul's)
Gabriel (Susan and Garrett's)
Dominic (Jaime and John's )
Bryson (Garian and Brett's)


garian said...

So glad you had a fun weekend. It was great seeing you guys. Sorry we couldn't socialize much...that's something you give up when you become a parent.

Jennifer McHam said...

Fun fun fun! Man date nights are SO PRECIOUS aren't they? What great friends to watch baby O for you. Pierce was THIS CLOSE to being a Chase :) Cute pics. Love ya