The end of July/beginning of August I got to have Owen at home 2 days a week rather than in day care. I LOVED this time together. We always did something fun for him - park, zoo, etc. He's surprisingly understanding of and willing to help with Abby. Unfortunately, he started getting really upset if he remotely thought we were taking him to school. I think he just likes this time at home so much. August 10th he moved up to the next level classroom at day care - the Whales - 2 to 2 1/2 year olds. In conjunction with that transition, we also put him back to full time day care - hoping that the regular schedule will help. It seems to have helped a little. He usually doesn't want to leave school when we pick him up. I think when I go back to work and Abby starts at day care too it will get even better.

In August we went to Samantha Geroy's birthday party. April and Miki are my 1/2 marathon partners. They each had their second children (Addison and Kate) a few weeks after Abby was born. Sam's party was at Bounce-o-palace. Owen loved it - although he insisted that Robbie had to be in each bounce house with him. After boucing the kids got pizza and cake. What a treat! Below is a picture of Sammie - isn't she adorable?!?

Owen has a lot of mile stones coming up in the next month or so. After he seems adjusted to the new classroom and full-time schedule at day care we plan to move him to a big boy bed. Oh man are we NOT looking forward to this. But he is ready and it's time (we think). We'd like to have him settled into his bed this fall in time to officially start potty training after Christmas. Another "oh yay" parent moment. He actually has had several "successes" in the potty - who knew that poo would become such a central theme in our lives - but we're not gung hoe on it just yet.
We are doing lots of encouraging good behaviour and discouraging bad behaviour stuff. We tried to start a sticker chart which was a failure. He liked the prizes, but he got upset that the stickers had to go on the chart instead of his had. So chart is out, and stickers on the hands are in. Time outs are becoming daily (sometimes multiple times a day) occurances - I'm sure that will continue to ramp. He has really hit that limits-testing phase of life. Especially with Robbie. We've heard and read that toddlers tend the test their favorite parent more, and Owen continues to be daddy's boy, so it makes sense. He's also started playing one parent against the other. Gotta watch out for this one!
A few of the latest Owenisms....At the zoo with his friend Angelica... "Look Gelica, Tiger!"
In the truck... "Look Abby, motorcycle!"
In the minivan... "Mama, talk about ocean?"
At bedtime Owen was holding his truck book and then picked another book. I said, "Can I read the truck book?" And Owen replied, "Of course!" and handed it over.
Owen: "Conner very sad?"
Mama: "Why is he sad?"
Owen: "He needs his toy."
Insisted on bringing Conner his toy.
At Target picking a toy truck as a prize for earning 10 stickers. Robbie was holding him walking down the toy cars aisle... "Owen want that one. That one. That one. That one. That one." pointing and repeating as fast as Robbie walked past them.
Something in the bathroom in his classroom needed to be fixed. And Mr. Gray - the fixer guy - was there fixing it. Owen was facinated and apparently sat by Mr. Gray the entire time and narrated everything Mr. Gray did... "Mr. Gray hammer nail... Mr. Gray use wrench..."
Robbie listens to talk radio all the time (KSFO is the station). Apparently Owen has started requesting it in the car on the way home from day care... "Listen KSFO? Listen Mark Levin?"
We were in the family room and I was sitting with Abby on the floor. Owen earned himself a timeout by continually jumping on the couch despite repeated warnings from Robbie. As Robbie carted Owen to time out football style, Owen - facing me from Robbie's arms - said, "Mama, Owen go to timeout." (in the same tone that he might say something like "Mama, Owen go play outside.")
Owen knows the names of pretty much any type of truck. He and Robbie were in the car and passed a Dreyers ice cream truck - it was an 18-wheeler (usually labelled a container truck), but since it was delivering icecream to the grocery store, Robbie said, "Look Owen, a delivery truck." And Owen replied, "Actually, container truck." (Actually is pronounced actly). :)