Owen's birthday celebrations were broken up into several parts this year. The celebrating started in Colorado where he got to open gifts with both sets of his grandparents. Then on his actual birthday he shared brownie bites with his class at day care. The next day he opened presents from family. Our good friends Jaime and Stephanie McCracken were visiting and got to join us for that! Owen's big gift this year was a bigwheel. Eventually we'll take the handle off the back once he learns how to pedal. :)

Sunday was Owen's official birthday party. This year we did a joint birthday party with Alexandra Tribble - Owen's friend who is only 4 days younger than he. Alex's mom and dad, our good friends Ariel and Damon, did and awesome job arranging most of the details. We held the party at Fairytale Town. It's this terrific place in the main park in Sacramento (across from the Sac Zoo) that is perfect for 2-year-olds. Lots of kid friendly slides and things to climb on and animals to see - all set up in different themes of fairy tales. Below are some pics of the birthday boy and girl in Cinderella's carriage on on the horses drawing the carriage. We rented the Sherwood Forest picnic area - all the kids played for a while - and then we did pizza and cupcakes for lunch. Owen had a blast! I think we'll definitely return for Abby's 2nd bday.
Then Monday (today) all the Lamaze mommies and kids got together to celebrate their birthdays much like last year. We gathered at Kemp park in Folsom where they have a water area to play in on top of swings and whatnot. We played and did cupcakes for the kids and a gift exchange. So great to see everyone. Out of the 6 ladies now 5 of us are on our 2nd kiddos. Abby has arrived, of course, Garian and Jaime are both due in the next few weeks, Karen is due in December, and Susan due early next Spring! Ok Ariel... just waiting on you! ;) Haha! The kids are so adorable together now and it's so neat to see them grow and develop. We're so glad to have kept in touch with this group!
After so many different birthday themed events and present openings I wonder if Owen will be confused when the celebrating ceases. :) He definitely enjoyed his birthday this year, and by the end of it seemed to understand the party and presents part of the concept at leat. Can't believe he's already 2!
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