He is such a big boy now. As of his 2-year check up today, he is 35in. tall (75%), 28 lbs (50%) and head size is 19 3/4 in. (80%).
The director... Owen is a tad bossy and loves to direct everyone around him. It's like he's conducting a symphony... "Owen wiggle.... Mama wiggle.... Dada wiggle... Gramp wiggle... Pawpaw wiggle... Mimi wiggle... Nana wiggle..."
He is super into the movie Cars. He wants to watch it every day. We really have to crack down on limiting his TV time. He also loves all his figures and books from Cars. He is mister outdoors. Loves to go hiking with Dad, loves to explore everywhere. And loves to "run around" - literally wants to run in circles.
We had a breakthrough this week with potty training. We're not officially working on this yet - we plan to start some time in the fall - but in the meantime, if he shows an interest we encourage it. This week he had a successfull try at school and one at home. Who knew that poo would become such a big thing in our lives.
He loves to dance and sing and is starting to make up his own songs. He also loves to sing the "Bob the Builder" theme song at the top of his lungs. He is a ham and loves to make everyone around him laugh.He is also very helpful. He loves to help us throw away trash, open doors (garage, fridge, etc.), and pick up. He loves to "help" with Abby - feeding her bottles and showing her things. He's also a bit of a dirt-a-phobe, always wanting to wash off his hands.
Owen's vocabulary continues to explode. We get comments from tons of people about how amazing his vocabulary is. He can count to 20 (11-20 he needs a little help with). He's also learning to count to 10 in Spanish. He can say the alphabet with a little help. He uses 3-10 word sentences. He's got most of his colors down now and all his shapes (including octagon and oval). We are amazed daily at some of the things that come out of his mouth. Below are some of our favorite Owenisms.
"Owen doing?" - meaning ask me about what I'm doing.
Owen: "Tow truck go?" (translation - where's my tow truck?)
Robbie: "You dropped it, buddy."
Owen: "Owen very clumsy."
When Robbie tried to wipe rice off his face: "Daddy don't touch Owen's face."
In response to various "oh no" type situations: "Oh man! Great!"
Robbie: "That's an amulance, buddy."
Owen: "Paramedic truck - fix big owies."
At bedtime, talking about his day with Daddy and Grover: "Grover, guess what?!?!"
Kristen: "Owen, what do you want for dinner?"
Owen: "Maui Tacos!"
All the time for anything that's funny: "Owen silly!"
Owen: "Sand in eyes." (he LOVES the sandbox at school)
Us: "How'd it get in your eyes?"
Owen: "Dylan threw it."
(or any other kids in the class - Justin and Hailey are also usually blamed - but funnier is that Owen is the one who throws sand - and also funny is that he'll tell us this on days he didn't go to school)
"Owen scared." - to just about everything, especially things with noise.... ice machines, lawn mowers, etc. We know if he's really scared when there's crying involved. Usually it's more startled.
Owen: "Big rocks dada."
Robbie: "Those are boulders, buddy."
Owen: "Owen carry it?"
Love the "Owenisms" - so cute! Happy Birthday Owen!! I am so glad we all have remained in contact. It is so nice to hear the same stories about our babies and know we are not alone! See you Monday to celebrate the boys and girl turning 2 :)
SOOOOOOOOO CUTE! I love the ambulance and the prayers! SO CUTE! And man is he smart! Hmm, where did that come from anyway??? ;) haha. Love you girl.
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