We decided to leave Owen in his current furnitre so he'd keep something familiar around him when the baby arrives (the crib converts first to a toddler bed and then to a full sized bed later). We are using the bedding from Owen's crib set for Abby's room. So we've changed Owen's bedding/decor from the primary/colors and animals into a cowboy themed room. It now has tan walls with red and navy stensils on the walls and uses a cute cowboy bedding set and lots of our various Texas-style wall hangings that we already owned.
While my parents were here over Christmas they helped us paint the base colors on the walls in both kids rooms. After that we had to paint the star stensils (yes made from scratch) in the room and get all the various wall hangings up and move the furntiture around a bit.
We love how it's turned out. Owen seems to love it too. Every time he goes in he talks about "stars" and "cowboys" and "cactus." Seems to be a hit!
Owen's Original Baby Room
Owen's original room was all primary colors with animals.

Owen's New Room

Owen's new decor is now a cowboy/Texas theme. Don't want him to forget his roots! :)
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