35 weeks pregnant and officially in the last month. Abby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that she's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds. Her kidneys are fully developed now, and her liver can process some waste products. Most of her basic physical development is now complete — she'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight. Obviously we want her to bake a little longer, but it's now pretty safe to deliver if she does come early.
I was super-swolen by this point in my pregnancy with Owen (as you can see in the pics below - my poor feet!). So far no swelling with this pregnancy which is a huge blessing. At this point I'm about 17 pounds lighter than I was same week with Owen. Let's hope it stays that way!
I am so ready for Abby to be here and to have my body back. This is my last week of work. The person taking over my job while I'm gone is pretty much in charge now and we're just wrapping up training and ad hoc questions. It's also the first week of the quarter - so hopefully pretty quiet and easy. I'm looking forward to the three weeks off before Abby's born to rest and finish prepping. We're pretty well ready as far as set up goes, but there always more that can be done. Is anyone every really ready for the baby to be there. ;)
Only 4 weeks to go to the scheduled c-sectoin on 4/27. So nice to know the b-day ahead of time. Cross your fingers she doesn't come early!
Pregnancy #2 - 35 Weeks

Pregnancy #1 - 35 Weeks

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