I concluded my 6 months of maternity leave with a week long visit in Austin topped off with the 10 Year AOT Memorial Boogie which I'll blog about separately. Robbie and Owen stayed in CA while I took Abby with me. This was her second plane trip (at 2 months we flew to Colorado). This was harder. She refused to sleep the way out (a 3 1/2 hour flight to Houston) and she does this incredibly loud screetch/growl as her version of "talking" which she did every 2 seconds the entire way. I had "that baby" on the way out.
It had been over two years since I'd been in Austin (other than for work). Boy has it changed. Between tolls roads and changing land marks (lots of new stores etc.) I was lost a little bit.
It was wonderful to see some friends. Travis and Amber visited on Sunday with Ethan. Travis is doing great at school now. I'm so proud of him! I managed to have lunch or dinner or breakfast with various friends each day. I finally got the chance to see Kerie's boys - Andrew and Conner - and Courtney's little girl Bailey. Mom, Dad, Abby, and I took a mini-trip to San Marcos to meet Jill and her family for dinner. Her boys Dillon and Dawson are so big, I can't believe it! All these kiddos... it's so fun to see their personalities.
I also got to introduce Abby to Christy and Barbara - friends of my parents - who were so sweet to come over for a visit. It was great to catch up and see where our friends are and what they've been doing. And of course I also had the bonus of getting to eat all the good food I miss when we're in CA (Trudy's, Chuy's, Kerby Lane, La Madeline's, Sonic...). I swear I gained ten pounds in just six days. 
Travis, Amber, Andy, Jill and Jake, Allyson, Kerie and Scott, Merri Su, Courtney, Christy and Barbara it was so great to see you all!!!
It was also great to see my parents and give them time with Abby. She's changed a lot since they saw her 2 months ago.... rolling over now and very smiley and vocal. And they were so nice to give me some babysitting time while I was there. My last hurrah before going back to work.
Flights back were fine - Abby was an angel this time - happy to sit mostly quietly in my lap or sleep. Missed Robbie and Owen tons while I was gone, so it's nice to be home. :) What a great way to end my time off work!
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