My brother's wife, Amber, and our nephew, Ethan, came to visit us for a week. I had surgery and she very kindly offered to come out and help me with Abby while I healed. While it was a very basic visit (mostly couped up in the house) we had a great time.
Ehan is an absolue doll. He is Mr. Mischief and makes the cutest expresions. He was wonderful with Abby - so gentle. It was great for Owen to get to see his cousin too - it had been over a year since we'd had them together. Although Owen reacted much like he'd reacted to his cousin Carson in March - very possesive of toys etc. But towards the end of the week that got at least a little better. 
Huge thanks to Amber for all of the help - it was soooo appreciated!
Owen continues to grow and look more like a little boy every day. He is also a typical two-year-old pushing limits and testing boundaries at every moment. After putting him to bed completely naked because after over an hour we still hadn't managed to get his diaper on (which is usually the first step of bedtime) we have now changed our bed time technique. We do the getting ready part downstairs and during his play time. Then we read books as a family (all 4 of us) on the couch before he goes upstairs for the final part of bed time. This accomplishes a few things... he's already diapers, pj'd and teeth-brushed before he starts the tantrum, and our patience isn't already at the limit when we go up to his room. Bed time is going much smoother now. Cross your fingers that it stays that way.
Owen continues to grow and look more like a little boy every day. He is also a typical two-year-old pushing limits and testing boundaries at every moment. After putting him to bed completely naked because after over an hour we still hadn't managed to get his diaper on (which is usually the first step of bedtime) we have now changed our bed time technique. We do the getting ready part downstairs and during his play time. Then we read books as a family (all 4 of us) on the couch before he goes upstairs for the final part of bed time. This accomplishes a few things... he's already diapers, pj'd and teeth-brushed before he starts the tantrum, and our patience isn't already at the limit when we go up to his room. Bed time is going much smoother now. Cross your fingers that it stays that way.
Out of the blue in the middle of the day, Owen suddenly exlaimed, "Holy shoot! I forgot to say my prayers!"
It took us a little while to figure out that he got "Holy shoot!" from Mater the towtruck in the movie Cars. And the part about prayers from a book we read at night where the little boy is stalling bed time.
We were getting in the minivan to go do some errands. Owen looked at Robbie as he was climbing into his seat and asked, "Are we going to the P-A-R-K?" He actually spelled it out.It took us a little while to figure out that he got "Holy shoot!" from Mater the towtruck in the movie Cars. And the part about prayers from a book we read at night where the little boy is stalling bed time.
We've been working with Owen on not hitting which involves listing all the people that Owen shouldn't hit and then all the people who also shouldn't be hitting. So in the middle of the grocery store, Owen said very loudly, "Mama, no hit Owen!" to which I replied, "I think it's the other way around buddy." And then he followed that up by repeating "Mama, you promised!" throughout the store. He got the promised line from the Lion King.
Out of nowhere Owen will say, "No, Mama, no!" for no reason. I'll say, "No what?" And he'll just giggle back at me like he's so funny. Apparently he thinks it's funny to tell me no.
Owen got a motorcycle toy for his birthday that pops a wheely and then goes for a bit - it's called the Ninja Wheeley. But Owen calls it the Injun Wheeley. He loves to make it pop wheelies over and over and over. It's the one toy he won't share and is guaranteed to start a tantrum if we try to take it away.
Owen has become very possessive of his seat on the couch. He doesn't want other people or things like blankets, pillows and puters (computers) on his seat and is quite verbal about it when he wants those things moved away.
Owen was playing with a paper bowl and put it on Robbie's head. He said, "Daddy building!" Then he took the hat and but it on his own head. He said, "Owen gotta go to work now."
Abby is 5 months old...
She's 5 months old already and starts day care soon. She's rolling over and is already trying to sit up, crawl, and pull up. I'm trying to encourage her to stay immobile for as long as possible... like until she's 18 or so. :) She uses her hands a lot - plays with every toy on her Einstein exersaucer. She's weighing in at about 15 pounds. Next official measurements are at her 6 month appointment in October.
But she's eating tons - 30 oz/day at the very least. The other day she had 42 oz. in one day (on top of 3 tablespoons of solid food). We started her on solid food right at 4 months and so far she's a good little eater. Opens her mouth wide, but you have to be quick to get the spoon in - she snaps down. So far she eats everything be seems to prefer peas and pears. So far she's had cereal, peas, green beans, carrots, pears, and peaches.
Abby decided that her two favorite noises are blow raspberries and this growling screech - sounding kind of like a little bear. She alternates doing both quite loudly.
Abby can roll to her tummy very well now. But she hasn't perfected rolling from her tummy to her back yet. So she gets stuck that way. It's got to the point that she does it in the middle of the night and then screeches until we come flip her back over to go back to sleep.
Abby can roll to her tummy very well now. But she hasn't perfected rolling from her tummy to her back yet. So she gets stuck that way. It's got to the point that she does it in the middle of the night and then screeches until we come flip her back over to go back to sleep.
She's making a new funny face - pushes her lips out and up toward her nose and then she snorts over and over. 
Abby's started chewing on her thumb and her feet - so much that the skin is starting to get raw. She is also insisting on standing up all the time - with help of course. She goes stiff as a board if you try to get her to sit. Won't bend.
She's started giving us tons more smiles and a few more laughs. Her laughs are still mostly what we call "courtesy chuckles." Just a single "heh" if she thinks something is funny.