Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Estes Park, CO - 2009 Visit

Estes Park, CO is my favorite place in the whole wide world. :) My grandmother owns a house there that they bought just before I was born, so we've been visiting for a long time. This year we got to go for extra long as Robbie just started his paternity leave (aka bonding leave), so we were there for almost 2 weeks!

Robbie's parents were able to join us for the first four days or so. It was great to show them this awesome place. We took them to our traditional hangs - the Baldpate Inn for dinner, a drive up Trail Ridge Road, walking around Lake Estes, shopping in downtown Estes, and lunch at the Stanley hotel.

Making it even more special is that both grandfathers were there with their brand new granddaughter and one of their grandsons for Father's Day. On Sunday we celebrated not only all three dads for Father's Day, but also hit Bob's birthday (just before), Mom's birthday (next day), and Owen's birthday (July 9th). So there was much present opening.

We spent the rest of the time having tons of fun - although no bighorn sheep sighting for me. Mom and Dad got to see some though. Robbie and I got in 2 dates - which was wonderful. Got in a few hikes and walks. Managed a picnic. Took Owen to a play land place with mini-golf and go-cars. Had a visit from Grandmother and introduced her to her new great-granddaughter. Also had a lunch with the whole CO family - it was great to see every one! Unfortunately, Grandmother fell and broke her ankle in three places. She is now at a rehab hospital and recovering. Prayers for a quick and easy recovery would be very appreciated!

While in CO Abby started sleeping longer through the night - not needing help to stay asleep until around 4:30 or 5am and sleeping until 7 or 8am. Awesome, awesome, awesome! Owen continues to be his adorable self and loved seeing all the animals, hiking with Dad, and playing with my cousins Kyle and Cullin.

We had a wonderful time! Especially since it was in the 70's while Sacramento was 105! Can't wait to go back next year!!!

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