At the end of December he moved up from the Teddies room (12-18 months) to the Puppies room (18-24 months) at daycare. He LOVES his new room. The room itself is bigger and the activities even more planned. They also practice even more self-help skills - for example, in this room after eating lunch the kids scrape their plates into the trashcan and then take their cups and plates to the sink. How they get all the kids to do that is a mystery to me. :)
He had is 18 month appt at the beginning of January. Height: 32 1/2in. (80%), Weight: 23lbs 11oz (50%), Head: 19in (80%). He did very well with his shots. The doctor at that appt. said that between then and 2 years of age they have a "language explosion." Since Owen already seemed to have tons of words, I was curious to see what that would look like. Well the words have definitely increased. He now tries to say everything we say.
The word of this week is "octopus" which Owen says in varying ways but seems to stick mostly with "optumus." Too cute. He's learned "please," "thank you," and "your welcome" - so adorable to hear him using these polite words in his tiny toddler voice. Cuter when he doesn't quite get them right. Sometimes he'll hand you something and say thank you (more like tee-too).
He's still hugely a daddy's-boy. Up until about a week ago it was getting stronger and stronger. To the point where he wanted absolutely nothing to do with me and would cry if I tried to "take" him from Robbie. But starting about last weekend he finally started showing interest in doing things with Mom. Melts my heart that he'll play with me and sit next to me when Robbie's in the room now. Not all the time, but I'll take anything I can get.
He is mister energy. Very Forest Gump - everywhere he goes is is "runnin'!" And now he insists on not being carried everywhere - wants to get there on his own steam. He has to hold our hands if it's outside of the house - which sometimes results in a battle of wills as to where exactly we are walking. Even in the house he'll take our hands and say "walk" and lead us all around. Every person we pass he'll say to them "walk" which basically means - please acknowledge the fact that I am awesome and walking here.
Below are some pics from his Puppies class. The group pics they're doing baby yoga. Owen's in the red shirt and black pants (the one not really participating at first - he often does his own thing). He's starting to learn the names of the teachers and his little friends. He's always so excited to go see "Kiko" - his friend Niko as well as Jack and Collin and Daniel. Quite the ladies man, we walked in to pick him up the other day and the whole class happened to be walking through the halls. They have to hold hands with other kids and Owen had three little girls all holding on to him. Too cute!
Love him more every day!

1 comment:
Soooooooo cute! And happy, happy, happy BIRTHDAY! We've all been sick around here but I finally got my voice back so I'm going to try to give you a call tonight. Hooray!
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