About two weeks later, I picked Owen up from day care on Tuesday and asked if he had walked any and they said not one step. By Friday when I picked him up the story was that it was now his main mode of transportation. Now he rarely crawls as he has also learned how to stand up from sitting on the floor.
It's official. He's a toddler. He's moved up to the young toddlers room at church and will soon move up at day care too. Sniff. Our little baby is now a little boy. Sniff.
It's amazing to watching him walk around, negotiating bumps and things in his way. It's also become interesting to keep tabs on him. We went to the "Concert in the Park" this past Friday - which is live music at a local park each week. This was the first week we took him as a walker - and boy did he just want to take off and toddle where all the kids were playing and try to get close to other kids balls (mental note, we now need to bring our own balls to these things). It was the same way yesterday at the beach we went to on Lake Tahoe (new post on that coming soon - pending pics). Quite a challenge for us to keep up.

1 comment:
Congratulations! Bryson still isn't letting go of whatever object is giving him stability. I'm so ready for him to walk. You're lucky!
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