Monday, January 19, 2009

Pregnancy #2 - 28 Weeks

28 weeks down, only 12 more to go. We officially hit the 3rd trimester last week. Things continue to go well. Abby is definitely a mover. Especially between 8pm and 10pm . I'm really hoping that doesn't mean she won't be a good sleeper at night. :) I continue to get increasingly clumsy. I had a small fall about 2 weeks ago - nothing serious. I was backing up and tripped over a stool. Landed on my behind. Then last week I tripped over Owen's humidifier and went down on one knee (a little scarier since I was holding Owen at the time). Abby and Owen are fine. So am I - I just get super sore each time. Nothing some tylenol and a few days won't fix. But for the most part I am feeling pretty great now!

Head to heels, Abby now measures about 14.8 inches. Her weight is about a 2 1/4 lbs. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes (supposedly - but every newborn I've seen has no eyelashes or eyebrows). With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through my womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

Below is the latest belly pic and some comparisons from my first pregnancy. I didn't have week 28 or 29 pics from my first pregnancy, so I picked out a few for comparison. I think I'm closest to 30 weeks from the pics. You can see in the week 32 picture from the first time around that that's when the swelling really started to be obvious although weight-wise I'd been swelling for about 3 weeks by then. So I'll be interested to see if I start swelling in the next 4 weeks or so. I really hope not. 57lbs of water just from swelling last time was pretty awful.
Pregnancy #2 - 28 Weeks

Pregnancy #1 - 27 Weeks

Pregnancy #1 - 30 Weeks

Pregnancy #1 - 31 Weeks

Pregnancy #1 - 32 Weeks

Monday, January 12, 2009

Pregnancy #2 - 24 Months

I'm actually going to get this out in the right week! Hooray! So we are now 24 weeks along. After battling a brief (hopefully) stomach virus this weekend, I am starting to feel better. The 2nd trimester is when you're supposed to feel good right? Stupid viruses. :) This pregnancy seems to be moving so much faster than the first one.

Abby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts her at just over a pound. Since she's almost a foot long she cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll soon start to plump up. Her brain is also growing quickly now, and her taste buds are continuing to develop. In the past few weeks, the top of my uterus has risen above my belly button and is now about the size of a soccer ball. That's right... a soccer ball. And I still have 16 more weeks.

Pregnancy #2 - 24 Weeks
Pregnancy #1 - 24 Weeks

Friday, January 9, 2009

Owen is 18 Months Old!

I can't believe how time flies. Owen is 18th months old! We had our 18 month checkup on his birthday (poor guy - happy 1/2 birthday - here's some shots).

Some interesting facts and figures from that...
Weight - 23lbs 11oz (50%)
Height - 32 1/2 in (80%)
Head - 19" (80%)

We learned that Owen is allergic to cold tempartures. Any exposed skin in cold weather (or in the frozen section of the grocery store) breaks out in hives. The good news is that it doesn't seem to bother him at all and that most kids grow out of this by 2. So hopefully by next winter it's not an issue. The doc has put him on Zirtac for a month to see if that clears it up. So far it's helping a lot and he's only been on a few days.

The doc also said that between 18 and 24 months kids have a language explosion. Owen's up to about 100 words or so (we've really stopped tracking for the most part). He's started using 2-3 word sentences and has definitely learned the proper use of the word "No." (By proper use I mean that is the answer to anything posed to him in the form of a question).

We plan to start him in his big boy bed in February. It still seems early to me (I think because it officially seems like he's a little boy if he's no longer in a crib). But the doctor said he's getting to an age were the crib could be dangerous because he's big enough to climb and then fall out. Plus, with baby #2 due in early May, we'd like to have him transitioned to a toddler bed well before then so that it's not too much at once for him. He sleeps on a matt at day care, so hopefully this won't be totally crazy.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Pregnancy #2 - 23 Weeks

We are now 23 weeks pregnant - officially 5 months along. The second pregnancy certainly seems to go a lot faster than the first one. :) We've also just come out of the Christmas holiday (look for a separate blog on that one).

I still feel like the belly is tracking bigger than the first time around, but weight wise (thanks to a 2 week virus) I'm behind a little bit now. We've decided on Abigail (Abby) as the name (hopefully you saw in our Christmas cards that we're having a GIRL!!!. Still debating the middle name. Abby is moving like crazy. Her favorite time of day seems to be between 8pm and 10pm at night.

Abby is now more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (we finally hit the 1 lb. mark!). Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb.

Pregnancy #2 - Week 23

Pregnancy #1 - Week 23