Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Grandpa Jack's Memorial Service
They enjoyed five wonderful years together. Robbie and I were blessed because Jack lived in LaFayette California - only about a 90 minute drive from where we are in Folsom. So we had the opportunity to get to know Jack a little bit. He was very welcoming and warm and had a lot of great stories about his life.
The memorial service on Friday was beautiful. Each of Jack's four children spoke. One of his grandchildren spoke for the grandkids. A friend of his from Kaiser (where he worked) spoke. A member of his extended family from Virginia spoke. And Dad spoke on behalf of Grandmother. Everyone who spoke painted the picture of a wonderful person - someone who made many friends and all of them good. Someone who raised his kids with concepts like respect, honor, and self-reliance. Someone who was interested in everyone he met. Many happy memories were shared.
It was an honor to know this man and to be a part of a memorial service for him that was truly that - remebering what a long, wonderful, happy life he had and that he shared with everyone he met.
Carson's Baptism

Owen was in quite a talkative mood, and so I saw the cermony from a small window in the door from the foyer. :) Carson looked adorable in his white and blue satin outfit and was a very, very good baby. It was especially nice that a family memeber (the son of one of Dottie's cousins) was able to perform the ceremony.
After the ceremony we all gathered at a local park for a BBQ and picnic. The weather started out rainy and turned out gorgeous just in time for the picnic. A fun time had by all, and great food. It was really fun to see all the kids. We got pics of the 3 cousins together (Owen, Collin, and Carson) - all in appropriate baseball outfits. All in all it was a terrific weekend spent with family and surrounded by loved ones.
Caitlin & John's Wedding
The reception was held at this beautiful old Sharaton hotel. Caitlin's parents were very nice and provided babysitting at the hotel in their suite for Owen and one other baby. This was great for both Owen and us. He got to play and roam around the hotel room (after being strapped in cars, planes, or held constantly since our Yosemite trip) and we got a date!
We had a GREAT time at the reception. Wonderful food. Awesome dancing. Robbie and I got some good jitterbugging in. It's been a long time since we've been able to do that. One of the best "best man speaches" I've heard. And just generally enjoying being with family. It was the first time for Robbie's extended family to meet Owen.
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Friday, May 9, 2008
Our 1st Family Mother's Day

Thursday, May 8, 2008
JavaOne and Megan Stays Over

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Owen is Feeding Himself
What's cuter is that when he first started trying to feed himself, any time something ended up in his mounth we'd clap for him and make a big deal out of it. So now, every time he feeds himself - which is every couple of seconds now, he claps for himself. Too cute!